Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Orange Smoothie

Best Oranges for Smoothies

Mandarin Orange Smoothie Recipe

Orange smoothie recipes usually incorporate the sweetness and tangy flavor of different type of oranges from navel to mandarin. Oranges provide a lot of juice and flavor to any fruit smoothie recipe.

Different Oranges - Different Orange Smoothie Recipes

With many different oranges and flavors, there are plenty of orange smoothie recipes. Their naturally sweet flavor gives a smoothie a sweet flavor without the need for added sugars. There are also plenty of tangy oranges that provide a unique smoothie flavor. Because each type of orange has a different and unique taste, each provides a different taste to the smoothie it is a part of by providing it's own unique flavor or blending of flavors with other ingredients. Oh and we can't forget the benefit of Vitamin C.

Creamy Orange Smoothie Recipe

Orange smoothie recipes
This orange smoothie recipe has a great creamy texture with a sweet taste. Adding teh light sweetness of milk and yogurt helps to combine with the flavor of oranges.
1 medium orange peeled and unseeded
1/2 cup of yogurt
1/2 cup of whole milk
Blend the oranges and milk together until well mixed. Taste to see if flavor meets your taste. Add sugar if needed and then blend with yogurt.

Best Oranges for Smoothies

  • Navel
  • Valencia
  • Mandarin

Slushy Mandarin Orange Smoothie Recipe

This orange smoothie recipe combines mandarin oranges into a slushy smoothie with a lightly tangy and sweet flavor.
3 mandarin oranges peeled and unseeded
1/2 cup of yogurt
1/4 cup orange juice
1 cup of ice cubes
Blend the mandarin oranges with the yogurt, orange juice, and ice cubes until slush mixture is formed. The orange juice should provide sufficient taste.

Tangy Orange Smoothie Recipe

Orange smoothies are a tangy smoothie treat that uses a fe oranges, some milk or orange juice and ice cream.
1 orange peeled and separated with seeds removed
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
1 cup of whole milk
Blend the milk with the ice cream till smooth thatn combine the oranges for about 30 seconds for a very great tasting fruit smoothie.

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